BMES醫環501 W5W6
本課程主要培養碩士生及博士生文獻資料彙整與口頭報告的能力與技巧。藉由與論文相關最新文獻資料的蒐集與整理,增進研究 生對論文領域最新發展技術的深入瞭解,同時藉由上台報告及問答過程的訓練,培養學生口頭報告及對問題提問與回答的技巧, 進而促進學生對專業領域及跨領域的認識與邏輯訓練。
Course keywords: 研究生(postgraduate students), 文獻整理 (literature review), 口頭宣讀報告(oral presentation), 問題回答(Q &A), 尖端技術(Cutting-edge Technology), 邏輯訓練(logic training) 一、課程說明(Course Description) This course is designed for master and Ph.D. students to strengthen their advanced knowlwedge and presentation skills. 二、指定用書(Text Books) Journal papers 三、參考書籍(References) Journal papers 四、教學方式(Teaching Method) Presentation, discussion and comment 五、教學進度(Syllabus) Will assigned 1 - 2 students as the invited speakers to present the cutting- edge technology from their subjects every week. The coordinator, which is from Ph.D. student, will chair the session and give comments on the presentation. 六、成績考核(Evaluation) 1.Oral presentation:40% 2.Final report and attendance: 30% 3.Discussion: 30% 七、AI使用規則 (Guideline for using AI) 本門課不得繳交使用生成式人工智慧所產出的作業、報告或個人心得。若經查核發現,教師、學校或相 關單位有權重新針對作業或報告重新評分或不予計分。 修讀本課程之學生於選課時視為同意以上倫理聲明。
平均百分比: 86.28
標準差: 2.3
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