BMES醫環717 W5W6
本課程已訓練學生閱讀科學專業文章為出發點,透過閱讀及資訊整理轉化為個人認知,進一步上台以最短時間表達分享並接受 聽者提出問題挑戰,訓練學生成為科學社群成員之基礎。閱讀文章及資料以環境分析與環境科學領域之優良研究期刊為主要來 源,每位參與課程成員每學期至少一次透過資料搜尋、閱讀、整理及口頭報告,訓練學生資料搜尋與整理能力、表達技巧,同 時探討環境分析化學與環境科學領域的新知。
Course keywords: Seminar, Environmental sciences, Environmental healthcare, Environmental enegy, Environmental analysis;專題討論、環境科學、環境健康、環境分析、環境能源 課程名稱:Seminar 課程說明(Course Description):I this course, students have to search for up to date scientific paper related to their personal studying topics from academic journal of environmental science. After paper reading and discussion with adviser, give an oral presentation in class room. Major goals of this course are learning how to search for scientific materials, archiving and prepare an outstanding oral presentation. 指定用書(Text Books): No 參考書籍(References):Academic journal of environmental Science 教學方式(Teaching Method): 1. Individual guidance and discussion on selection of topics for reporting. 2. Student oral reporting and group discussion in class. 教學進度(Syllabus):Presentation schedule in week ! 成績考核(Evaluation) : 1. Paper searching and data archive:40% 2. Oral presentation:40% 3. Learning attitude(include attendance):20%
平均百分比: 87.69
標準差: 5.36
Details Updated: 2025-02-04 05:30
Syllabus Updated: 2025-02-04 05:30
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