HSS人社C304 T2T3T4
This course aims to introduce students to anthropological approaches to the study of citizenship and of the multiple ways of belonging, participation, and exclusion in political communities. Through close reading of ethnographies, the course will address the following themes: 1. The conception(s) of “citizenship” and how it is understood and performed in different contexts. 2. How people enact their belonging, exclusion, and participation in political communities of various scales under neoliberal governance, transnational migration and economic globalization. 3. The space of political life. 4. How local contexts inform study of citizenship.
學期/時間地點 | 開課教授 | 歷年平均成績 |
Details Updated: 2025-02-04 05:30
Syllabus Updated: 2025-02-04 05:30
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