HSS人社C304 F2F3F4
AT A GLANCE Business anthropology is both academic anthropology, Anthropology OF Business, and applied anthropology, Anthropology IN Business. This course covers both, but pays special attention to the latter. It is designed both for anthropologists and for students of business or engineering who may find themselves working with anthropologists to solve business problems or find windows of opportunity for innovation. As an introduction to the Anthropology OF Business, it explores the development of business anthropology in France, Japan, Taiwan and China as well as North America. As a practical introduction to Anthropology in Business, it combines readings and classroom discussions with ethnography, using online materials, of successful research firms that make business anthropology the core of their brands. Students who take this course are required to write an ethnographic analysis of one of these firms and to record their reading and research notes in notebooks that will b
學期/時間地點 | 開課教授 | 歷年平均成績 |
Details Updated: 2025-02-04 05:30
Syllabus Updated: 2025-02-04 05:30
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