HSS人社C304 R6R7R8
What is “environment”? We often hear related terms or phrases like “ecology”, “wildlife”, environment”, and “social environment”, but what is the “environment” to which they are referring? We have taken this concept so for granted that we often treat it as a one- dimensional entity and forget the entangled relationships buried within. The most common perception of environment is perhaps that it is something “out there”, surrounding us, producing resources, providing aesthetic and recreational values. We also know that but at the same time being exploited and depleted, thus needing protection and sustainable management, often in a way of separating human activities from it. Cross-culturally speaking, however, this view of the environment is not universal. Fiji, for example, does not have an equivalent word for “environment”. Natural resources are called iyau bula which literally means “valuable goods of life” and is intrinsically connected with the Fi
學期/時間地點 | 開課教授 | 歷年平均成績 |
Details Updated: 2025-02-04 05:30
Syllabus Updated: 2025-02-04 05:30
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