113-2 學期, 第7週
113-2 學期, 第7週
The institute colloquium is a research talk that is supposed to be accessible to everyone who does research in AES institute, i.e. it will assume that you have familiarity with all the basic ideas of the field that everyone in the institute ought to know, but not a specialized knowledge of the subfield that the talk is about. It ought to be pitched at the level of a beginning graduate student.
BMES醫環401 W7W8
BMES醫環401 W7W8
BMES醫環501 W5
BMES醫環501 W5
科技迅速發展,雖為人類社會生活帶來了便利與進步,卻也對於地球環境造成不可逆的負面效應。綠色科技象徵自然環境的綠色,不僅 體現了環境友好的科學發展觀,也是減少資源消耗、實現循環經濟和經濟可持續發展的重要科學基礎。它包含了當代化學、物理、生 物、材料等學科的最新理論和技術,是一門新興的交叉學科。
BMES醫環401 W2W3W4
BMES醫環401 W2W3W4
本課程主要介紹與空氣品質相關之國內外環境法規與空氣污染物量測技術。 課程進行方式包含簡報式主題講述,實務型態量測設備與實驗室參訪,及互動型態專題討論與研究。 互動型態專題討論內容由修課同學選定主題,經與授課老師討論後即可開始進行。可自行決定以小組型態或個人方式展開專題研究,研究成果可由各專題自行提議報告展現的型式。
BMES醫環618 WaWbWc
BMES醫環618 WaWbWc
AES 5502-0
BMES醫環618 M2
BMES醫環618 M2
This course is designed for incubation the postgraduate students with basic and advanced knowledge in environmental toxicology. We will introduce the fundamental concept of toxicology, and then the toxic effect of several environmental pollutants including pesticides, heavy me<x>tals, environmental hormones, and chlorinated compounds(e.g. PCBs, Dioxin) on human health will be addressed and discussed.
BMES醫環501 M5M6M7
BMES醫環501 M5M6M7
本課程從認識廢棄物開始,介紹廢棄物之定義與種類,並引導至相關的處理技術及方法演進。依照原科院之能源與環境領 域研究特色,本課程將處理核能廢棄物及化石燃料產生之二氧化碳之技術作為介紹重心,探討現今處理技術之優劣及可能 的發展方向。
BMES醫環101 F2F3F4
BMES醫環101 F2F3F4
本課程從空氣汙染、水汙染、固態廢棄物、土壤汙染及底泥汙染五大面向探討汙染物與生物及生態系的複雜關聯。透過汙染 物的暴露及生物可及性探討影響生態系的起點,汙染物經由生物吸收傳遞之後會從單點擴散成面的影響,傳遞過程中產生的 改變決定汙染物的最終宿命。汙染物對個體的影響來自期暴露程度與可及性,個體影響物種族群,族群變動造成區域群聚結 構震盪,最終影響生態系統的穩定度,沒有穩定的生態系不斷提供各項生態服務,終將危及人類的生存及生物圈的存續。課 程內容除了理論的闡述之外,各相關單元並提供國內實際發生的汙染案例;並探討其對生態系之影響。除了課堂的講授內容 之外,學習者必須主動出擊,尋找案例以課堂經驗探討其生態影響。
BMES醫環401 R2R3R4
BMES醫環401 R2R3R4
BMES醫環501 W6
BMES醫環501 W6
課程前半段介紹文化(社會)人類學重基礎的研究概念與理論,著重閱讀學科的主要發展與關懷內容,並透過不同的觀點討論人類 學在知識論上的特色。課程後半段選擇當代人類學研究的重要課題,呈現人類學研究現代社會的重要貢獻與新趨向。課程包括的 主題有: 當代人類學的處境、文化概念、社會概念、語言與結構、功能學派、實踐理論、權力與再現、文化與權力、關係性文化、物質文 化與消費、宗教與消費、感官與身體經驗、文化與情感、民族誌與公共人類學等。 本課程希望加深同學的文化人類學基礎,並提供當代的人類學視野,希望幫助同學確認自己的研究興趣與方向。
HSS人社C304 M2M3M4
HSS人社C304 M2M3M4
本課程為《人類學方法論》的進階課程,主要目的在於訓練學生具有從事獨立研究之能力。所有選修過《人類學方法論》 之同學,必須在暑假期間從事一個短期的可行性田野研究,實際體驗田野調查工作,練習操作人類學之研究方法,整理及 分析田野資料,最後並將之書寫成研究成果報告,在學生之田野實習成果發表會中公開發表。期使學生經由實際之田野經 驗,對人類學研究之性質及方法有進一步地認識。最後,我們希望田野實習能做為學生將來發展其碩、博士論文的基礎。 未修過《人類學方法論》者,無法修選本門課,請留意。
HSS人社C303 W3
HSS人社C303 W3
This is a graduate seminar dedicated to the exploration of classic and contemporary ethnographic texts about Southeast Asian societies. Designed for graduate students whose area focus is Southeast Asia, or whose theoretical concerns merit a close reading of key texts on the syllabus, the course will engage with cannonical work, such as the writings of Clifford Geertz, Edmund Leach, James C. Scott, Benedict Anderson, Anna Tsing, and others, as well as with emerging voices in Southeast Asian studies such as Erik Harms and Andrew Johnson. The course is particularly well suited to students in the Anthropology and Asian Studies interested in writing ethnographically about the region, and in gaining a sense for the particularities of Southeast Asia through intimate ethnographic narratives. Students will engage not only with the theoretical insights advanced by core texts, but also with the relationship between ethnographic research and the production of “theory”, and wi
HSS人社C304 F6F7F8
HSS人社C304 F6F7F8
HSS人社C304 W2W3W4
HSS人社C304 W2W3W4
What is “environment”? We often hear related terms or phrases like “ecology”, “wildlife”, environment”, and “social environment”, but what is the “environment” to which they are referring? We have taken this concept so for granted that we often treat it as a one- dimensional entity and forget the entangled relationships buried within. The most common perception of environment is perhaps that it is something “out there”, surrounding us, producing resources, providing aesthetic and recreational values. We also know that but at the same time being exploited and depleted, thus needing protection and sustainable management, often in a way of separating human activities from it. Cross-culturally speaking, however, this view of the environment is not universal. Fiji, for example, does not have an equivalent word for “environment”. Natural resources are called iyau bula which literally means “valuable goods of life” and is intrinsically connected with the Fi
HSS人社C304 R6R7R8
HSS人社C304 R6R7R8
AT A GLANCE Business anthropology is both academic anthropology, Anthropology OF Business, and applied anthropology, Anthropology IN Business. This course covers both, but pays special attention to the latter. It is designed both for anthropologists and for students of business or engineering who may find themselves working with anthropologists to solve business problems or find windows of opportunity for innovation. As an introduction to the Anthropology OF Business, it explores the development of business anthropology in France, Japan, Taiwan and China as well as North America. As a practical introduction to Anthropology in Business, it combines readings and classroom discussions with ethnography, using online materials, of successful research firms that make business anthropology the core of their brands. Students who take this course are required to write an ethnographic analysis of one of these firms and to record their reading and research notes in notebooks that will b
HSS人社C304 F2F3F4
HSS人社C304 F2F3F4
本課程要旨有三: 第一:提供水下考古學及水下文化資產之知識並引發興趣。 第二、要使同學對水下考古學及水下文化資產的理論和實務有所瞭解,以培養日後從事水下考古學及水下文化資產工作的理念和操作之基本能力,或作為進一步學術專攻的基礎。 第三,為國家儲備水下考古及水下文化資產之專業人才。
HSS人社C304 M6M7M8
HSS人社C304 M6M7M8
This course aims to introduce students to anthropological approaches to the study of citizenship and of the multiple ways of belonging, participation, and exclusion in political communities. Through close reading of ethnographies, the course will address the following themes: 1. The conception(s) of “citizenship” and how it is understood and performed in different contexts. 2. How people enact their belonging, exclusion, and participation in political communities of various scales under neoliberal governance, transnational migration and economic globalization. 3. The space of political life. 4. How local contexts inform study of citizenship.
HSS人社C304 T2T3T4
HSS人社C304 T2T3T4
考古田野調查與遺址發掘為考古學獲取第一手資料的重要手段,也是考古學研究的基礎工作,本課程將說明考古調查與發掘的目的與意義,並完整介紹考古田野調查與發掘的各種相關方法學與後續整理、修復、保存出土資料的相關技術,課程中也將實際組織「清大考古隊」進行考古田野調查與考古遺址的試掘,並將學生分組、分工實際操作各項流程,除實際訓練考古調查、發掘所需的技術也培養團隊研究工作的合作精神。 此外,於考古調查、發掘工作結束後,將於課程期間教導整理文物、修護考古遺物與資料繪圖拍攝等流程,並實際進行考古發掘報告書的撰寫,於學期結束後共同發表於期刊、考古學相關雜誌或製作專刊發行。藉由此一完整的實習過程,培養學生正確的考古學觀念,並具備獨立進行考古調查、發掘與考古資料彙整的能力。
HSS人社C303 T3
HSS人社C303 T3
陶瓷是研究季風亞洲區域歷史發展最主要的考古材料之一。本課程將引導同學熟悉涵蓋九世紀到十九世紀東亞、東南亞海域出土、出水的陶瓷器類別,尤其是貿易陶瓷的部分,並同時討論生產技術的發展與傳播、運輸航路與消費地的脈絡與再脈絡化、科學分析資料等等。 本課程為討論課,學生將專責收集特定主題的材料,並對負責的主題製作出一份“陶瓷ID”。最後,須自訂題目撰寫研究論文,並於期末分享。活動包含一次博物館參訪及一次庫房參觀。
HSS人社C304 T6T7T8
HSS人社C304 T6T7T8
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